Thursday 18 September 2014

Scottish Irish Unification

I was talking to Ginger Celtic in Magowan's last night about the Jock Referendum. As you know Ginger yields to no man in his adoration of Glasgow Celtic Football Club. Having attended many home games, he regards himself as an authority on all things Scottish.

'So wha' do ya make of it all then?' I asked him.

'I'll tell ya,' says he. 'This has bin comin' for a long time. Whether they say yes or no, there'll be a split.’

'A split? Bu' after the vote, won't they all get back to workin’ together like feckin’ ants?' I said to get him going.

'Not at all,' he spat, like I was an eejit. 'Hell hath no fury like a Scotsman with a bee in his bonnet. They're like the shower in the North. Irreh - whatyacallit?'

'Irritatin',' I said.

'No - irreconcilable. Tha's it. There'll be no peace there. The Yessers won't give up, and neither will the Unionists. Eventually they'll split the place up, with the Yessers comin' in with us, and the Noers stayin' with yer man Cameron.'

'Comin' in with us? Whatya mean?'

'It stands to reason. The Yessers all the Gaelic gang. We're all Celts. They want to stay in the EU, fly the flag, and give the two fingers to England. Sure we're like peas in a pod.'

I warmed to the idea.

'The oul oil will be handy, right enough.'

'An' between us, we'll have a better football team.'

'Well roll on the Republic of Ireland an' a lump o’ Scotland then,' I said.

Remember where you heard it first!

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